ISPSM Seminar Series

The ISPSM Seminar Series is a platform for the international research community to meet and constructively discuss topics and challenges within the philosophy of the sciences of the mind. The seminar will be composed of 

(1) Theoretical Sessionsparticipants discuss prominent topics in the field.

(2) Practical Sessions: participants discuss challenges that socially or academically affect interdisciplinary research in the field. The practical sessions are aimed to diminish the privilege gap that exists between different scholars and empower scholars of any age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, education, national origin, social and economical background, etc.

We strongly encourage scholars that are members of under-represented groups or are based in the global south to participate and engage. 

The seminar time will vary in order to alternate for geographically allow participation of all. Seminars are also recorded and made available.